
Centralia Coal Transition Board awards grant to Valley View Health Center

Centralia, Wash. (May 19, 2020) The Centralia Coal Transition Grants Economic & Community Development Board has approved a $261,000 grant to Valley View Health Center to support free community-wide COVID-19 testing. The community-wide testing will provide public health officials and community leaders with critical information as the community and state move to re-open the economy. The testing project will serve all residents of Lewis County and has three phases which commences now and goes through March, 2021.

Note: Valley View Health Center received funding from another source and the grant paid of $261,000 by the transition board was returned.

Centralia Coal Transition Board awards grant to Sandstone Distillery

Centralia, Wash. (May 19, 2020) The Centralia Coal Transition Board is pleased to announce the award of a grant to Sandstone Distillery in the amount of $63,000 from the Economic & Community Development Board. The grant dollars will be used to support the retrofit of a 3,000 gallon copper vessel that was slated for decommissioning and eventual scrap, affectionately known as “Gabe”. The re-purposing of this equipment will allow for the production of large quantities of hand and surface sanitizer which can then be ready for distribution to the communities of Lewis and South Thurston Counties as necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Centralia Coal Transition Board awards grant to the City of Colville

Centralia, Wash. (May 5, 2020) The Centralia Coal Transition Board is pleased to announce the award of a grant to the City of Colville in the amount of $260,000. The funding will support the installation of a 100kW ground based photovoltaic solar array at the Waste Water Treatment Plant which will result in lowering energy costs currently being incurred by the waste water treatment plant and, align with their commitment to good stewardship.

Centralia Coal Transition Board awards grant to Gather Church

Centralia, Wash. (April 20, 2020) The Centralia Coal Transition Board is pleased to announce a grant award to Gather Church from the Weatherization Board in the amount of $26,156.27. The funding will be used to support the installation of HVAC systems in their childcare building, day shelter and multi-purpose building. This organization offers free clothing, food and shelter to those in need and serves hundreds of individuals and families every month.

TransAlta Centralia Coal Transition Board awards grant to Olympia Community Solar

March 19, 2020 – Olympia Community Solar received a grant in the amount of $28,525.00 from the Energy Technology Board to support the Hummingbird Community Solar and Educational Display project at the Hands On Children’s Museum in downtown Olympia.