Centralia Coal Transition Economic & Community Development Board supports public safety through the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office

September 13, 2018
The Centralia Coal Transition Grants Economic & Community Development Board (“ECD Board”) is pleased to announce it has approved a grant to the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office to support public safety goals. The board approved a grant in the amount of $116,836.56 to purchase replacement radios for deputies. Deputies use their portable radio to respond to calls, manage scenes and disasters, confirm their status during contacts, coordinate crime scenes and traffic collisions using the radios.
“The board views this funding opportunity as one that enhances community partnerships and benefits the citizens of Lewis County” said Jeff Yanish, a member of the Economic & Community Development Board. “The safety of our law enforcement and the public is very important to me, not only as a board member but as a member of our local community. Having reliable communication between deputies, agencies and the public can help reduce risk during critical events.”
The ECD Board was formed as a result of the 2011 Agreement between TransAlta and the state of Washington to transition the Centralia plant away from coal-fired operations with one unit shutting down in December 2020 and the second unit in December 2025.
The Lewis County Sheriff’s Office is a community partner that helps to make Lewis County a safe and secure place to live, work and go to school. The Sheriff’s Office employs a total of 109 employees, serves a current estimated population of 77,066, all located within approximately 2,403 square miles, and provides law enforcement services 24 hours a day
“We strive for community partnership and are thankful for the gracious grant funding provided by The Centralia Coal Transition Grants Economic & Community Development Board” said Sheriff Robert R. Snaza. “We could not be more appreciative for this generous contribution that we will put to good use providing essential equipment for our deputies.”
Overview of the Funding Boards
Annual payments for the funding boards began in 2012 with the last payment due December 31, 2023. The opportunity to start flowing dollars into projects became effective December 31, 2015.
Weatherization Board ($10M): established to fund energy efficiency and weatherization for the residents, employees, business, non-profit organizations and local governments within Lewis County and South Thurston County; up to $1 million shall be allocated to fund residential energy efficiency and weatherization measures for low-income and moderate-income residents of Lewis County and South Thurston County;
Economic & Community Development Board ($20M): established to fund education, retraining, economic development, and community enhancement; at least $5M shall be allocated to fund education, retraining and economic development specifically targeting the needs of workers displaced from the Centralia facility;
Energy Technology Board ($25M): established to fund energy technologies with the potential to create environmental benefits to the state of Washington.
For more information on the Centralia Coal Transition Funding Boards visit: http://cctgrants.com
Media Inquiries:
Email: coaltransitionboards@transalta.com